Monday, September 27, 2010

Introduction [from lack of vocabulary]

Having created a blog for a particular purpose I think it is only right that I explain its purpose so that this blog has the ability to be somewhat beneficial to the reader.

I have just started a new semester at my university and have, thanks to the compulsory subjects in my communications degree, enrolled in a subject that I initially thought to be taking me to far from the star I’m shooting at.

Fortunately after lecture 1, I realised that the furthest star from the right, second to the left, actually couldn’t be closer.

The subject book is ‘New Media’ by Terry Flew and my lecturer is Jeffrey Brand and the following entries are all pieces of assessment that I believe can back up my all-encompassing theory;

Technology is applicable to all things.

Technology –

The more we rely on it the more we need to create and the more that we create the more that we rely on it.

There are external factors like socio-cultural backgrounds, resources, availability and accessibility but the most determining I believe to be is time.

The time it takes for the technology to be essential to our daily lives and also the time it takes for the technology to be picked up, accessed and utilised by a substantial enough group of people to be able to define that particular piece of technology to be universal so to speak.

Digital Media and Society is not particularly a subject that I would seek out to study given my career path to be diplomacy and international relations, however, I am glad to be forced into what I see as a necessary opportunity.

The truth is, is that technology, no matter what path it is that you choose to take, is constantly present. And instead of avoiding the inevitable and allowing it to take over and make you powerless, it is essential that we embrace it, possess it and learn to manipulate it, in order to become powerful.

So let’s see where this course can take me...

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